
Citation - Look, you gonna get on that train, ok? And you’re…

Look, you gonna get on that train, ok? And you’re gonna go to New York, and you’re gonna be a star. Without me. That’s how much I love you. You know what we gonna do? Surrender. I know how hard that is for you because how hard you hold on the stuff, but… But we’re just gonna sit here and we’re just gonna let go, ok? And let the universe do his thing. And if we’re meant to be together, then we’re gonna be together. Whenever it’s in a shoebox apartment in New York or in the other side of the world.

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Affiche de Glee

Rachel Berry
Lea Michele
Finn Hudson
Cory Monteith

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Look, you gonna get on that train, ok? And you’re gonna go to New York, and you’re gonna be a star…
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