- Is Dexter ill today?
- Why, no, Mr. Kirk. Dexter’s in school.
- I’m afraid he’s not, Mrs. Fishpaw. Dexter’s truancy problem is way out of hand, and the Baltimore County School Board have decided to expel Dexter from the entire public school system.
- Why Mr. Kirk - I’m as upset as you to learn of Dexter’s truancy - but surely expulsion is not the answer?
- I’m afraid expulsion is the only answer. It is the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane…
Informations sur la citation
- Publication
- Explications
- Extrait largement popularisé par le titre Frontier Psychiatrist des Avalanches.
- Casting
- Le principal
- George Hulse
- Francine Fishpaw
- Divine
- Film
- Polyester
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