- Dyatlov broke every rule we have. He pushed a reactor to the brink of destruction. He did these things believing there was a failsafe: AZ-5, a simple button to shut it all down. But in the circumstances he created, there wasn’t. The shutdown system had a fatal flaw. At 1: 23: 40, Akimov engages AZ-5. The fully-withdrawn control rods begin moving back into the reactor. These rods are made of boron - which reduces reactivity - but not their tips. The tips are made of graphite, which accelerates reactivity.
- Why?
- Why? For the same reason our reactors do not have containment buildings around them, like those in the West. For the same reason we don’t use properly enriched fuel in our cores. For the same reason we are the only nation that builds water-cooled, graphite-moderated reactors with a positive void coefficient… It’s cheaper.
Informations sur la citation
- Publication
- Casting
- Valery Legasov
- Jared Harris
- Judge Milan Kadnikov
- Hilton McRae
- Série
- Chernobyl
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