
Citation - I absorb sex indiscriminately, numb and impartial. I…

I absorb sex indiscriminately, numb and impartial. I suck men of their interiors. A fuck that unites John, Dan, Scott, whomever in the popular lust and paternal hunt for my possession. He was a large man, though his arms were thin. The upper part soft, but not fleshy. Like a young woman’s. He had long, delicate fingers and plump palms similar to a raccoon’s. With finesse, he plied the meat from a crab claw and sucked oysters from their shells.

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Affiche de The squid and the whale

Bernard qui est prof de littérature à la fac, amène son fils Walt de 16 ans assister à un de ses cours. Là une des étudiantes de 20 ans Lili lit un de ses textes (la citation) où elle parle de son vagin.
Anna Paquin
The squid and the whale

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I absorb sex indiscriminately, numb and impartial. I suck men of their interiors. A fuck that…
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