
Citation - Every man, woman and child alive should see the desert…

Every man, woman and child alive should see the desert one time before they die. Nothing at all for miles around. Nothing but rocks and sand and cactus and blue sky. Not a soul in sight. No sirens, no car alarms. Nobody honking at you. No madmen cursing or pissing on the streets. You find the silence out there. You find the peace. You can find God.

6.45 (21 votes)

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Affiche de La 25e heure

Alors que Monty se fait conduire en prison par son père, celui-ci lui raconte l’époque où il a traversé les Etats-Unis avec sa mère en passant par le désert.
Monty Brogan
Edward Norton
James Brogan
Brian Cox
La 25e heure

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Every man, woman and child alive should see the desert one time before they die. Nothing at all for…
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