I love everything about her,
and I’m not a guy who says that lightly,
I’m a guy who has faked love his entire life,
I’m a guy who thought love was just something idiots felt,
but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to.
And there have been times when I wanted to.
It has been overwhelming and humbling,
and even painful at times,
but I could not stop loving her any more than I could stop breathing.
I’m hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her.
More than she knows.
Informations sur la citation
- Publication
- Explications
- Saison 8, épisode 6 - Splitville.
Barney déclare sa flamme à Robin afin qu’elle rompe avec son copain. Puis il fait comme si de rien n’était.
- Casting
- Barney Stinson
- Neil Patrick Harris
- Série
- How I Met Your Mother
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