
Série - How I met your mother

Affiche de How I met your mother
How I met your mother
Écrit par
Pamela Fryman et Rob Greenberg
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Répliques de la série (88)

It’s gonna be legen… wait for it… dary!!

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.33 (392 votes)

Ted, say I’m your best friend!

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.32 (152 votes)

Haaaaave you met Ted?

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.31 (336 votes)

This isn’t Barney… but I heard that guy is awesome !

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.31 (221 votes)

High five!

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.3 (220 votes)

You son of a bitch !

How I Met Your Mother, Lily.
9.3 (90 votes)

Suit up!

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.28 (267 votes)

When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead! True story…

How I met your mother, Barney.
9.26 (275 votes)

You stop dating a girl because she was a pornstar!? Friendship over.

9.26 (220 votes)

Whaaaat uuuuup?

How I Met Your Mother.
9.26 (112 votes)

Hey looser how is not playing laser tag ’cause playing laser tag is awesome!

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.22 (67 votes)

Phone Five!

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.21 (79 votes)

- Ted, if you murder me, and burry me in New-Jersey, I’ll hunt you forever.
- But if I murder you and bury somewhere else?
- Hey, I’ll leave you alone. I’m sure you had your reasons.

How I Met Your Mother, Lily et Ted.
9.2 (103 votes)

Not good enough !

9.14 (71 votes)

I chose bimbos.
Bimbos make me happy.
Bimbos make me fell alive.
Bimbos make me want to pretend to be a better man.
My heart belongs to bimbos.

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.14 (48 votes)

Nothing good happens after 2 AM.

How I Met Your Mother.
9.12 (92 votes)

DE… wait for it… NIED !

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.08 (66 votes)

Challenge Accepted !

How I Met Your Mother, Barney.
9.06 (117 votes)

- On te doit aussi des excuses, on a dit des choses assez blessantes…
- Pas du tout !
- Ah oui c’est vrai, c’était après que tu sois parti…

9.04 (42 votes)

Ted Mosby, architect!

How I Met Your Mother, Ted.
9.02 (163 votes)

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