- Everyone who is interned into a transplant program is clocked to the second. To the second Denny. You were clocked into the second and so is the other guy I checked with your notes. The difference between you enter into the program and when he enter the program is seventeen seconds. That’s it Denny. Seventeen seconds. I mean is not even went of a decent kiss… So this other guy… I’m not saying that he don’t deserve this heart, I’m sure he does but so do you!
So do you! And if you tell me anymore craps about entering through the light or looking down on me from heaven I swear I will kill you myself right now!
- Izzie… just… I’m gonna be allright… you don’t have to worry.
- … What about me? WHAT ABOUT ME when you’ll go to the light.
- Izzie…
- No I’ll get it. You’ll be okay, you’ll be fine but what about me? So if you don’t do it for you so do it for me please! Please Denny please do it for me. Because if you die… Oh god you have to do this, you have to do this for me or I’ll never be abble to forgive you!
- … For dying?
- No! For making me love you!
Informations sur la citation

- Publication
- Casting
- Izzie Stevens
- Katherine Heigl
- Denny Duquette
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan
- Série
- Grey’s Anatomy
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