
Citation - I’ll have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that…

Peter Quill : I’ll have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one.
Drax : Do not ever call me a thesaurus.
Peter Quill : It’s just a metaphor, dude.
Rocket Raccoon : His people are completely literal. Metaphors are gonna go over his head.
Drax : Nothing goes over my head!… My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.
Gamora : I am gonna die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.

7.6 (15 votes)

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Affiche de Guardians of the Galaxy

Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Chris Pratt
Zoe Saldana
Rocket Raccoon
Bradley Cooper
Drax The Destroyer
Dave Bautista
Guardians of the Galaxy

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I’ll have to agree with the walking thesaurus on that one. Do not ever call me a thesaurus. It’s…
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