
Citation - All this stuff you’re managing… You’re not supposed to…

- All this stuff you’re managing… You’re not supposed to be managing it. You’re supposed to be feeling it… grief, loss, pain. It is normal.
- It’s not normal.
- It is. It is normal. It’s not normal to you ‘cause you’ve never done it. Instead of feeling it, feeling the grief and the pain, you’ve shoved it all down and you do drugs instead. Instead of moving through the pain, you run from it. Instead of dealing with being hurt and alone and afraid that this horrible, empty feeling is all there is, I run from it. I run off, and I sign up for another tour of active duty. We do these things. We run off, and we… we medicate. We do whatever it takes to cover it up and dull the sensation, but it’s not normal. We’re supposed to feel. We’re supposed to… love… and hate… and hurt… and grieve and break and… be destroyed and… rebuild ourselves to be destroyed again. That is human. That is humanity. That’s being alive. That’s the point. That’s the entire point. Don’t… don’t avoid it. Don’t… Extinguish it.

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Affiche de Grey’s Anatomy

Fin de la saison 11.
Owen Hunt
Kevin McKidd
Amelia Shepherd
Caterina Scorsone
Grey’s Anatomy

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