- You know, you don’t have to walk me in. It’s freezing, and…
- You can just say you don’t want me to come in.
- No, it’s not that! I just… No, I’m just tired, I think I gonna take a nap. It’s not that!
- Okay, I’ll pretend I believe you.
- Graham, I’m leaving in 9 days and that makes this complicated and… I’m not sure I can handle complicated right now…
- Okay.
[Ils se regardent, elle l’embrasse]
- And that doesn’t make things complicated?
- Sex makes everything complicated. Even when you don’t have it, the “not having it” makes things complicated…
- Which is why it’s usually better to have it. Some say.
Informations sur la citation

- Publication
- Casting
- Amanda
- Cameron Diaz
- Graham
- Jude Law
- Film
- The Holiday
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