- Il n’y a aucun danger, je ne tomberai pas amoureuse, j’te le promets. - Bien envoyé. Ça fait toujours plaisir.
- You know, you don’t have to walk me in. It’s freezing, and… - You can just say you don’t want me to come in. - No, it’s not that! I just… No, I’m just tired, I think I gonna take a nap. It’s not that! - Okay, I’ll pretend I believe you. - Graham, I’m leaving in 9 days and that makes this complicated and… I’m not sure I can handle complicated right now… - Okay. [Ils se regardent, elle l’embrasse] - And that doesn’t make things complicated? - Sex makes everything complicated. Even when you don’t have it, the “not having it” makes things complicated… - Which is why it’s usually better to have it. Some say.
Ethan, dans le monde de l’amour, et je sais que j’ai pas beaucoup de talents dans ce domaine, mais dans le monde de l’amour tromper l’être cher n’est pas quelque chose d’acceptable !