
Série - Game of Thrones

Affiche de Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones
Écrit par
David Benioff et D.B. Weiss
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Répliques de la série (149)

A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep.

Game of Thrones, Tywin.
6.5 (10 votes)

Tu es un guerrier, de merde !

Game of Thrones, Bronn à Tyrion Lannister.
6.47 (7 votes)

Jaime, je m’appelle Jaime…

Game of Thrones, Jaime.
6.47 (7 votes)

Theon. You’re a good man. Thank you.

Game of Thrones, Bran à Theon.
6.47 (7 votes)

- Sale temps pour dormir dehors.
- T’as de sacrés pouvoirs magiques pour deviner ça. C’est le Maître de la Lumière qui te l’a soufflé à l’oreille ? « Il neige Thoros, y’a du vent. La nuit va être glaciale ».
- Tu es un ours mal léché Clegane. Un peu de rhum ?
- Ta pisse de chat… Trop doux.

6.47 (7 votes)

Don’t fight in the North. Or the south. Fight every battle; everywhere, always… in your mind.

6.43 (4 votes)

The things I do for love.

Game of Thrones, Jaime à Cersei.
6.43 (4 votes)

Samwell Tarly. Slayer of white walkers. Lover of ladies. As if we needeed any more signs the world was ending.

6.43 (4 votes)

Everything you did brought you where you are now. Where you belong. Home.

Game of Thrones, Bran à Theon.
6.43 (4 votes)

- I’ve never slept with a knight before.
- I’ve never slept with anyone before.

6.43 (4 votes)

- Je n’ai jamais couché avec un chevalier.
- Je n’ai jamais couché avec personne.

6.43 (4 votes)

Parle encore de tuer mon frère et je t’égorge.

Game of Thrones, Arya à Yara Greyjoy.
6.43 (4 votes)

Say another word about killing my brother and I will cut your throat.

Game of Thrones, Arya à Yara Greyjoy.
6.43 (4 votes)

- L’amour est la mort du devoir.
- Ça vous est venu comme ça ?
- Mestre Amemon me l’a dit il y a longtemps.
- Parfois le devoir est la mort de l’amour.

6.36 (12 votes)

What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother’s smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, our great tragedy.

6.25 (6 votes)

- General rule of thumb: Stark men don’t fare well when they travel south.
- True, but I’m not a Stark.
[Énorme cri de Dragon…]

6.19 (11 votes)

- You lived your life for the King. You’re gonna die for some chickens?
- Someone is.

6.15 (3 votes)

- Get down to the crypt.
- I’m not abandoning my people.
- [Elle lui donne needl] Take this and go.
- I don’t know how to use it.
- Stick them with the pointy end.

6.15 (3 votes)

Power resides where men think it resides.

6.15 (3 votes)

- Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.
- What the hell do you know about being a bastard?
- All dwarves are bastards in their father’s eyes.

6.15 (3 votes)

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